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The New Interact Clubs Are required to be involved in at least one community and one international program eachyear. Belrose Rotary will mentor the Interactors who are mostly drawn from Year 8 at each school. At least one of our members will attend each of the Interact meetings at the 2 schools during 2018.Why not come to one of our breakfast meetings held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at New Civic, Glenrose at 7.00am as you will invariably see Interactors or other sponsored young people share their experiences with us? Belrose Rotary, together with the other Rotary clubs on the Northern Beaches, chartered a new Rotaract Club in 2016. Rotaract is for people aged 18 to 28 years old and they meet fortnightly at Dee Why RSL. There is invariable atleast one Rotarian present at these meetings and our inputand guidance is much appreciated by the Rotaractors. We have continued our participation in the Rotary Exchange program. Our 2017 outbound student, Lydia Oliver, who has spent her exchange student in Germany is about to return and Alicia Humphrey will then begin her exchange year in Norway. Both Lydia and Alicia, attended Davidson High School.

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